Baileys Harbor Range Lights Turn 150
By Timothy Harrison
Door County Wisconsin?s Baileys Harbor Range Lighthouses are celebrating their 150th anniversary this year.
Built in 1869, the Baileys Harbor Range Lights were built to keep ships off the treacherous reefs and shallows at the entrance to Baileys Harbor, Wisconsin. The sailor got ?on range? by vertically aligning the white light in the Upper Range Light, which shone at a height of 39 feet above water, with the Lower Range Light?s red beacon, fixed at 22 feet above water…On December 1, 1869, 74-year-old Fabian Truedell was appointed the first keeper of the Baileys Harbor Range Lighthouses…
Read the complete story with photos as was printed in the March/April 2019 Issue of Lighthouse Digest.
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