The Fog-Bark of Heron Neck Lighthouse


The Fog-Bark of Heron Neck Lighthouse

Download the complete story originally printed in the December 1999 issue of Lighthouse Digest.

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By J. K. Wilson. The fog was rolling in thick and heavy one afternoon, a few years ago, as the Marie Louie rounded Hurricane Island, and headed into the sound, on its course for Carver’s Harbor. It was the beginning of a “nasty” night, and navigation was every moment becoming more difficult and precarious.
“Now I’ll show you something that I’m sure you never saw or heard of before” said Captain Cutler.
“What is it?” I inquired eagerly. I had already found that there were a good many things along the enchanted coast of Maine that I had never seen or heard of before.
“A fog-bark.”
“A what?” . . .?Read the complete story with photos as was printed in the December 1999 Issue of Lighthouse Digest.

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