How the West was Won: The Langlois Family of Keepers


How the West was Won: The Langlois Light Keeper Pioneers of the Pacific Coast

Download the complete story originally printed in the March/April 2017 issue of Lighthouse Digest.

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By Debra Baldwin. William V. Langlois was a seafaring?man in his 30s when he came to America?from the Isle of Guernsey. He went to?sea as a boy, later served as an officer in?the British Navy on a man-of-war ship,?After arriving in America, he became the?captain of a whaler. So it was natural that?he would want be near the ocean when?he staked a squatter?s claim in the future?Portland area of the Oregon Country in?1844…Read the complete story with photos as was printed in the March/April 2017 Issue of Lighthouse Digest.

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