In this Issue:
- Lens Story About Tawas Point Lighthouse
- The Sinking of the Ligthship Nantucket LV 117
- The Earthquake at Point Area Lighthouse
- Life and Death at Washington State’s Doomed Smith Island Lighthouse
- The Story of Maine’s Seguin Island keeper Clarence Skolfield
- Little Cumberland Island in Danger of Collapse
- The Loss of Lighthouse Stamp Artist Howard Koslow
- Living at Maine’s Winter Harbor Lighthouse
- The Life of Raymond Joshua Deurloo
- The Story of the History Making Journey of the Columbia River Lighsthip
- Robbins Reef Lighthouse – New Exhibits
- The Deliberate Destruction of California’s Punta Gorda Light Station
- Lamplighters in the U.S. Lighthouse Service
- The Loss of Lighthouse Leader Dick Moehl
- The Career of Maine Lighthouse Keeper John W. Cameron
- Little Cumberland Island Lighthouse Added to Doomsday List
- Many other Stories and Regular Columns
Read the complete issue with all the photos as printed in the Lighthouse Digest.
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Cover image of Portland Head Light in Cape Elizabeth, Maine, by SN Maxwell Balint, USCG.