Miracle Restoration in Casco Bay


Miracle Restoration in Casco Bay is a PDF download of the story as it was originally printed in the January-February 2018 edition of Lighthouse Digest.


By Tim Harrison

Ford Reiche, who had been around Maine’s Halfway Rock Lighthouse his entire life, never dreamed that one day he might own the lighthouse. Located in the middle of Casco Bay, the 1871 structure was built on one of the least hospitable wave-swept rock clusters on the coast of Maine. And the lighthouse, which had been virtually abandoned since its automation in the mid-1970s, was in awful condition. And he had never even been ashore to tour the lighthouse.
But, one thing led to another, which led to another, which led to another, all eventually leading to his entering a government on-line bidding war in an attempt to buy the lighthouse. And it wasn’t until the bidding had actually started that he finally got the opportunity to actually visit the lighthouse. . .

Read the complete story with photos as was printed in the January-February 2018 Issue of Lighthouse Digest.

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