The Republic of Estonia is in the Baltic region of northern Europe. It is stated that 25% of the population of Estonia was killed during WW II. After the war the country was taken over by Russia and became part of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, however they finally gained their independence from Russia as a new democracy in 1991.
A soft cover booklet published in 1974 on the lighthouses of Estonia – Eesti Tuletornic by A. Luige, has many photos throughout, a numbered map with locations, and lots of text, presumably in Estonian. Approximately 8″x5″ with 88 pages. In very good condition, but does have a mark left most likely from removing a price tag.
Also included is a full complete page of postage stamps that feature the Kunda Lighthouse in Tuletorn, Estonia that was built in 1909. Little could they have realized when this postage stamp was issued in 1998, that the lighthouse that survived World War II would be destroyed by a fire in 1999. Only the stone foundation of the lighthouse remains today. However, plans call for the lighthouse to be eventually rebuilt. This full page of stamps, 12”H x 8 ¼”W, will look great framed for display, or they could be split up for resale. There are a total of 50 postage stamps on the page. They are folded in the middle at the perforation, but this will not affect their full page display.
Wonderful lighthouse collectibles that are hard to find and will enhance any lighthouse collection.